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Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

30 ways to make a girl smile

      1.       Tell her she’s beautiful not hot or fine.
      2.       Hold her hand at any moment you can.
      3.       Kiss her on the forehead.
      4.       Leave her voice messages to wake up.
      5.       When she sad, hold her tight and don’t let her go. 
      6.       Recognize small things: they usually mean the most.
      7.       Call her sweetie, babe, or etc.
      8.       Sing to her no matter how horrible ur voice is.
      9.       Pick her over all the others girls you hang with.
    10.   Write her a notes (she loves that).
    11.   Introduce her to ur family and ur friends as your girlfriend.
    12.   Play with her hair and if it smells good tell her.
    13.    Pick her up, tickle her, and always be there wherever she needed you.
    14.   Pick her up and act like ur going to drop her and she’ll scream and yell let her down. even though she loves it.
    15.   Tell her funny jokes
    16.   Throw pebbles at her window in the middle of the night just because you miss her.
    17.   Let her fall asleep in your arms.
    18.   Carve your name into a tree.
    19.   If she’s mad, kiss her.
    20.   Give her piggyback rides.
    21.   Bring her flowers.
    22.   Treat her the same around your friends as you do when you’re alone.
    23.   Let her take as many pictures as she wants.
    24.   Slow dance with her even if there isn’t music playing.
    25.   Kiss her in the rain.
    26.   Take long walks on the beach at night with her.
    27.   Wait outside her house in the pouring rain to surprise her when she gets home.
    28.   When she’s ill stay by her bedside.
    29.   Play fight with her and let her win
    30.   And most importantly if you love her, tell her, than prove it.

Rabu, 08 Desember 2010


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